Full-Frame Deep Cooling Scientific CCD Camera for
Imaging Application
Straight out of Berlin comes ALEX, greateyes' new platform for your
spectroscopy applications in the VUV, EUV, soft and hard X-Ray range.
ALEX integrates cutting-edge low-noise electronics and ultra-deep cooling
technology while keeping a compact camera design. Multiple readout speeds
can be selected supporting pixel rates from 50 kHz up to 5 MHz. True 18-
bit AD conversion allows to exploit the full dynamic range of the CCD sensor
for highest performance and SNR. ALEX is ideally suited for detection of
very weak signal intensities where a low-noise floor is paramount. ALEX
offers unprecedented possibilities for your measurements of tomorrow. The
nanoscopic soft X-ray image of a diatom on the front page was made by the
group for Imaging and Coherent X-rays of Max Born Institute in collaboration
with the X-ray microscopy division of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (BESSY).